04 septiembre, 2007


Als aktuelle MacUpdate Promo wird heute die Screencasting Software ProfCast für $19.95 statt $29.95 angeboten. Ich berichtete bereits über ProfCast, eine sehr gute Software um z.B. Präsentationen oder Vorlesungen aufzeichnen.

ProfCast is a versatile, powerful, yet very simple to use tool for recording lectures and creating enhanced podcasts. ProfCast provides a low cost solution for recording and distributing lectures, special events, and presentations as podcasts. ProfCast offers an integrated workflow that makes creating, recording, and publishing podcasts easy. It’s as simple as Launch, Load, and Lecture! (MacUpdate Promo)

Do you want to be a computer nerd? Do you want to take your computer skills to an otherworldly level? Then this is your place to be. In regular screencasts I will demonstrate cool applications or demonstrate technology backgrounds for Apple Macintosh and Windows. Some lessons might also be about school related topics. For example, I plan to produce a tutorial series on OpenOffice 2.0, the office suite the school I am working at uses in the Computer Science classes.